Friday, 18 April 2014

Triple the Trouble ! my first post

Wow well this is my first post as a new blogger, I will try to blog daily and hopefully other fathers will relate to my experiences of being a dad, welcome to my blog!

My main reason of doing this is to share my day to day life of being a dad to my lovely 2 year old daughter and even better news... we have twins on the way! due in September.... only found out like two weeks ago so it's all a bit crazy hence my blog title Triple the Trouble!...  so I will start with the day we found out.

Two weeks ago we had it all planned we just moved into a new 2 bed house, very cool! Got things in place for my daughter to have a sibling... then well first scan day for my partner arrives.

All was good as we arrived at the hospital we sat down chatted and smirked at unsuspecting others within the room... thinking yes we are also here for a baby scan like you all are, we are then called into the scan room all excited and ready for the scan.

My partner lays out on the bed the gel on belly then suddenly... my partner looks at the screen fixated and says "that's two in there isn't it.." for which the scanning lady replies a simple "yes"  all I saw was two blobs thinking  it's just bubbles or something but I am a man who does not know this sort of thing... my jaw hits the floor shock and well just disbelieve, our daughter on my lap as my partner crying in shock saying "don't cry mummy don't cry" not really understanding what is happening.... my face was hot and just saying.."Wow its crazy..." it felt like a dream for which we both thought we would wake from... but no this was real! And a big slap to the face.

Telling family was fun I must admit.... oh they kind of gathered a sibling was on the cards..But then I pull on the twin's ace card! POW! ...ohhh myyy god!!! Most family members say, but all round happiness.

Present day: it has sunken in slightly and we will make do in our two bed home just now the preparation starts again......

Stay tuned....

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